Why Is Mount Dora The Perfect Place To Retire?

Are You Thinking Of Retiring? Then Check Out All MountDora FL Has To Offer
Just retired and thinking of relocating? Mount Dora is aquaint yet lively city in which to enjoy yourretirement. Purchasing a home near the center of town provides ashort walk to the many shops and restaurants. And for those livinga bit farther from downtown, there is MountDora Transit that will take you to and from anylocation. You can leave your car at home. Now, how many smallcities have that!
What do Mount Dora retirees say?
- Sara, a recent resident, who washaving her first lesson in Lawn Bowling: “It’sartsy. It’s like the old days, an old-fashioned town,as it used to be.”
- Noreen, who has been living inMount Dora for almost twenty years, stated that she still finds ita “fun town with always so much to do!”
- Cathy, only here for a few years,shares her love for this “charming community.” She added, “People are always smiling. I’ve neverexperienced this anywhere!”
- Barby says, “I love toread. As you can see, I have a disability. It’s hard for meto get around. I’m grateful the library delivers books forthose who are disabled like me.” (An application can befound at: www.mylakelibrary.org or call352-536-2275.)
Besides the numerous annual festivals and activities, pleasetake a visit and discover other opportunities offered at MountDora’s W.T. Bland Public Library. Computers areavailable on-site, DVDs, and quite a selection of magazines,digital magazines, also. There may be changes to thefollowing, and more classes added in January, but here is a list ofwhat’s happening now:
Classes And Groups Available At The Mount Dora PublicLibrary
- Social Bridge Club
Every Monday 10:30-3:00 @ Martin Luther King, Jr. Center
- Book Club
Second Tuesday @ Simpson Farmhouse
- Classic Films
Second and fourth Wednesday @ 7:00
- Needle Arts Group
Every Tuesday 9:30-3:30 @ Simpson Farmhouse
- Drop-in Crochet Class
Every Monday 10:00-12N @ library
- SHINE serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders
Fourth Thursday 1:30-3:30
- Learn to play the ukulele
Second Tuesday 6:00 and Saturdays 10:30 (beginners andIntermediate)
Third Tuesday 6:00 (intermediate and advanced)
- Golden Triangle Stamp Club
Third Friday 1:00
- Wood Carvers Club
First and third Saturday 9:00-12N
- Adult Children of Alcoholics
Every Wednesday 7:00-8:00 @ Simpson Farmhouse
- English Conversation Class
Every Wednesday 4:00
- U.S. Citizenship Class*
Tuesdays 5:45 – 7:45
- Lake County ASD Parent Support Group*
November 16th, 6:00-8:00
*Registration required.

Bingo and computer classes are scheduled to begin again inJanuary. For more details, come visit or call the library @352-735-7180, option 5. And while you’re there, visitthe children’s area, which is a storybook in itself! You may want to pick up a few books for your grandchildren or achild you know – or for yourself!
Gardening Happens All Year Long In MountDora

Gardening can be enjoyed year-round. Mount Dora’sclimate a hundred years ago had been right for citrus and still istoday. Various sorts of berries, guava trees, pear trees, andpersimmons grew abundantly. Today, besides our citrus, we canalso grow edibles such as carrots, beets, and turnips. Popularplants grown here in Mount Dora are gardenia, hydrangea, hibiscus,ferns, etc. Because of Florida’s unique subtropicalclimate, many indoor plants can be moved outdoors for much of theyear.

Central Florida does have trees, many of them hundreds of yearsold. Mount Dora has 9,950 individual trees. The mostcommon species are laurel oak, cabbage palm, live oak, crepemyrtle, slash pine, and the camphor tree. Mature oak trees(laurel and live oaks) represent 36% of City-owned trees. Mount Dora’s Plant and Garden Fair will be held Saturday,November 13th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, November14th from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. rain or shine.
Health Is A Major Concern For Seniors

As we know, Florida is the sunshine state, which supplies uswith a good source of Vitamin D. Besides having sun most days ofthe year, Mount Dora has fresh food sources, such as the HealthBasket, Living Towers (hydroponics), and our outdoor marketdowntown each Sunday.
We also have a great medical team. Our Police and FireDepartments are in the center of town, a large building complex atLincoln and Donnelly with Waterman and Leesburg hospitals servingour community.
Most health care facilities accept Medicare. CardiologistKenneth Kronhaus is conveniently located downtown. People comefrom out of state for his treatments. Lake Eye Associates hasfive locations. Every fourth Thursday, The Florida Department ofElder Affairs’ SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs ofElders) comes to our library should you have any questionsconcerning Medicare, Medicaid, or any health-related issues.
Choose a location to live your best life, to keep yourselfindependent. Mount Dora has many choices for fun andplay. Health should not be a concern in this picturesque andtranquil environment. We have people to help support you herein Mount Dora.
Lakeside At The Waterman Village

Waterman Village is a full-service retirementcommunity, a progressive living community for those 55+. Newapartment or duplex homes are available; however, at this time ofwriting, 80% of the residences are reserved. The expectedcompletion date is 2022. Call 352-268-1408.
So, why is Mount Dora the perfect place to retire? Well, webelieve we have answered that through this article. If you have anyadditional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out toCorcoran Connect, we’d be happy to help!