What's Your New Year's Resolution For The Harmony FL Community?

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution For2022?
Here are some new year's resolution ideas for2022. Jeanine Corcoran is your host and brokerof Corcoran Connect--real estate company. She is joined byKristin Macari owner of Studio Nine 13 as co-host and today is the8th episode of Discover Harmony Florida. View the source videohere.
Today’s episode will focus on what’s your newyear’s resolution for the Harmony Community in 2022. Kristinstarted by sharing that she wants to focus on doing more andexperiencing more. Kristin then asked Jeanine what her newyear’s resolutions were for 2002?
Jeanine answered that she wants to commit to riding her bicyclemore in the Harmony community. She loves riding bikes because thereis so much beautiful scenery to see and take in, it is amazing. Shewent on to say that Harmony doesn’t have mountains, but we dohave gorgeous sunsets, golf courses, tree-lined streets, andbeautiful homes to view. So, Jeanine is committing to riding herbike more as one of her new year’s resolutions.
Jeanine said that she walks every morning and takespictures at least once a week and shares them on social media. Shestated that bike riding is good for you and if you can’t ridein the morning, you can do it at night. The course she normallyrides is 8.5 miles in total.
Bike Riding In Harmony Florida Is A Great NewYear’s Resolution
Jeanine was talking about wearing a helmet as well for safetyand taking precautions. She recalled back in February of 2021, shewas with her grandson riding bikes together and didn’t haveher helmet on. She was trying to take a picture of him while ridingand when she looked up, he had stopped. Jeanine had her phone inone hand and hit one of her brakes with the other which locked herbrakes up.
Next thing you know, she is going over her handlebars and thefirst thing to hit the ground was her elbow which ended up beingfractured. Jeanine had never broken a bone in her life. Luckily,she did not hit her head, but lesson learned.
New Year Resolution Ideas 2022
Jeanine then asked Kristin what her new year’s resolutionwas for the Harmony community? Kristin replied and said that shewants to participate in more of the activities that are offered inHarmony. She added that her husband, Quinton, and her daughter,Olivia, got fishing poles for Christmas and that they are committedto going fishing more as a family.
Kristin also added that she has lived in Harmony since 2008 andhas never been out on the boats. So, as a result, she is committingto get out on the boats in Harmony in 2022. The boats are free touse in Harmony, it is part of the amenities in this wonderfulcommunity. Jeanine added that all that is needed is to book yourtime slot online and that’s about it.
Does Anyone Know How Deep Buck Lake Is In HarmonyFlorida?
We would love to hear from any of our listeners if they know howdeep Buck Lake is in Harmony, FL? Kristin said she has a tough timebooking in advance leisurely time for herself as she feels guilty.However, in answering what’s your new year’sresolution, Kristin has committed to booking and using the boats. Jeanine said that she willhold her to it and check back with her in February to makesure she did in fact go out on the boats.
Jeanine added another new year’s resolution for theHarmony community. She is going to commit to drinking less. Notthat she wants to drink less but because it is so expensive. Whenyou add drinks to your bill, it adds up fast and you are so closeto your house where the alcohol is free. Throw in inflation and thebill has skyrocketed in the last year.
Kristin added another new year’s resolution for her andthat is eating out less and cooking at home more. They reviewed themoney they spent on eating out in 2021 and it was sizable, so theyare committing to cooking at home more in 2002 and savingmoney.
We hope you enjoyed the 8th episode answering what's yournew year's resolution for the Harmony FL Community. We want tokeep you up to date with the amazing events and places to visit andenjoy in Harmony. Did you make your new year’s resolution,and have you stuck to them?