Local Amenities In Harmony Florida With Jeanine Corcoran Of Corcoran Connect

Local Amenities In Harmony Florida Presented By HostJeanine Corcoran Broker of Corcoran Connect
Jeanine is joined by co-host Kristin Macari of Studio Nine 13.This is part of the Discover Harmony Florida podcast series.Welcome to the 4th episode of Discover Harmony Florida.
Jeanine wanted to share her top three amenities to enjoy inHarmony, FL. There are so many to enjoy in this wonderful communityand we could talk all day on them, so she had to limit it to three.They are discussed in the source video here.
One of Jeanine’s favorite things to do is go out on thepontoon boats. Living in Harmony, we have pontoon boats that arefree to use and enjoy. All that is required is a quick free lesson,sign a waiver and put down a $250 deposit that is never cashed. Itis the ticket to use the free boats.
You can rent them out for an hour at a time and head out onBuck Lake which is beautiful and off the mainroad in Harmony, Schoolhouse road. The biggest park in Harmony isthere, Lakeshore Park. Harmony doesn’t build any houses onthe Lakes, so they are very well protected.
One of Kristin’s favorite places, although not technicallya place are the sunsets in Harmony Florida. She also enjoys the twowalking trails by Buck Lake, especially the one with the swing. Itis about a 2-mile walk around the Lake. The sunsets over Buck Lakeare simply amazing.

Buck Lake In Harmony Florida Is SoPeaceful
Jeanine’s second favorite is visiting one of the longdocks on Buck Lake where there are 4 rocking chairs. It is sopeaceful there where you can enjoy a morning cup of coffee orperhaps a glass of wine early evening watching the sunset.
Jeanine’s third favorite is a section of the HarmonyFlorida Golf Preserve which runs through the community.The sunsets there are gorgeous. She will ride her bicycle or takethe golf cart and stop there and take pictures. Jeanine is utterlyamazed by just how beautiful it is with the rolling hills of thegolf course and the sunsets.
Kristin shared that one of her favorites is golf cart rides atnight. She loves heading out 30 minutes before sunset to a littlebit after and it is just beautiful. It’s fun to ride aroundthe community and enjoy everything. Now that it is coming into theChristmas season, the golf cart rides becomeeven more fun with everyone putting up their decorations.

Swimming Pools In Harmony To Enjoy
The other favorite of both Jeanine and Kristin are the swimmingpools in Harmony to enjoy. Kristin said her kids love the pool.There is the main swimming pool by the restaurant and then thetownhouse pool. She said the townhouse pool typically has fewerkids but is hot heated which is not a problem in the summer.
The main pool is definitely better for hanging out with peopleand the kids seeing their friends. It is also both heated andcooled to control the temperature. So, not too warm in the summeror cold in the winter months.
We hope you enjoyed Jeanine and Kristen taking you through theirfavorite local amenities in Harmony Florida. We want to keep you upto date with the amazing events and places to visit and enjoy inHarmony.
Corcoran Connect would love to hear from you if you have anyquestions about the wonderful community of Harmony, FL. If you haveany topics of interest that you would like us to cover, send us an email or give us a call.