Kim Kirsch Of American Health & Life Group Is Our Resident Spotlight Of Harmony FL

Kim Kirsch Of American Health & Life Group Is OurFeatured Resident Spotlight Of Harmony FL This Month
Resident spotlight of the Harmony FL Community presented byJeanine Corcoran broker of Corcoran Connect. Kristin Macariowner of Studio Nine 13 joins Jeanine as her co-host. Welcome tothe 21st episode of Discover Harmony Florida.
This month’s resident of Harmony Florida is Kim Kirsch ofAmerican Health& Life Group who is proud partners of the HealthcareSolutions Team. Jeanine’s first question to Kim was how longhave you owned your business? Kim said she has ownedthis business for 5 years.
Jeanine followed up and asked Kim how she got started in herbusiness and why did she choose this field? Kim replied thatpreviously in her career she was a writer doing a lot of onlinecontent helping other businesses make money online. She continuedthat she wanted to do something different with her career.
The reason why she chose insurance was she gets to help peopleevery single day. Kim talks to people who are really in need ofgood insurance. Jeanine said that she received her insurancepolicies through Kim and that she is not the type of person whowill push you. She will find you insurance that fits your specificneeds.
Kim tells people all the time that she is a terriblesalesperson. She said she will tell a person straight up that ifthey want something and Kim believes it is a bad idea, she will letthem know.
Who Is Kim Kirsch Of American Health& Life Group?
Jeanine said for the people who don’t know you, tell themwho you are? Kim said, I’m a mom and a wife and first andforemost, a Christian as well as being a new grandma. She tries tobe a good friend and neighbor and she loves getting out into thecommunity and getting involved in things.
Jeanine then asked Kim what her top selling product is? Kim saidher top selling product is called the plan enhancer. Some of ushave nicknamed it the “deductible killer”. The reasonfor the nickname is this add on product works with any kind ofinsurance.
Kim gave an example of the plan enhancer. If you were to go tothe hospital and you are there for 24 hours because you are sick orif you are there because you have had some sort of an accident orare diagnosed with cancer, a heart attack or a stroke, this planwill pay off your deductible. If you already have hit yourdeductible, then it gives you back the other of what the policywas.
Kim continued that she always makes sure that the plan enhancerwill cover all the clients max out of pocket. Jeanine said that isa great idea and product to have and to sign her up for that.
American Health & Life Group Sponsors Many Of TheEvents In Harmony Florida
Jeanine then turned her attention to the Harmony community andasked Kim how she serves the Harmony Community and the people thatlive here? Kim said that she takes part in almost all the eventsthat happen in Harmony. She said her company will sponsor all ofthe different events from Easter to Christmas. She loves doing theSanta Claus and Mrs. Claus event every year.
Kim participated in the “Anti-Social Ice CreamSocial” during the 2020 lockdown. Jeanine said that was fun.She said that it is amazing to see how many people you touch, andyou don’t even get to meet them all. She did the golden eggwinner for the Easter egg hunt.
Jeanine asked Kim what she would say to someone who wasconsidering moving to Harmony? She stated that besides callingJeanine for help looking for a place to live, you should reallyconsider Harmony Florida as a place to live. If you have childrenand want to live in a community that has a real small town feelwhere everyone jumps in and help each other and truly loves one andother than Harmony is the place for you.
What Is Your Favorite Place In HarmonyFL?
Jeanine asked Kim what her favorite spot was in Harmony, FL? Kimquickly replied that the docks at Buck Lake is her favorite. Youdefinitely have to check it out.
Jeanine emphasized that people should give Kim a call as she iseasy to talk to and she can compare what you have now withsomething that may be a better fit for your insurance needs. Kimand her team cover health insurance, dental care, vision, lifeinsurance, supplements and more.
We hope you enjoyed Jeanine interviewing Kim Kirsch of AmericanHealth & Life Group as our resident spotlight of Harmony FL.This will continue to be a monthly focus for the Discover HarmonyFlorida podcast. View the original video source here.