Harmony Florida Street Names And The Meaning Behind Them

Harmony Florida Street Names Were Discussed On The10th Episode Of Discover Harmony Florida
Jeanine Corcoran, broker of Corcoran Connect a real estatecompany reviews the history of the community she lives in and howit was developed as it relates to the Harmony Florida street names.A lot of thought was put into this community by the developers,Jim, and Martha Lentz.
Jeanine was joined by Kristin Macari owner of Studio Nine 13 asco-host. This episode will center around the origin and history ofstreet names in Harmony. View source video.
Jeanine started by saying that a lot of the Harmony street nameswere named after plants and bushes. The origins of street namescome from what Kristin called “historic Harmony” andwas well thought out by the original developers.
Jeanine continued that Jim and Martha put a lot of thought intothe Harmony Community and did a lot of research and developed awonderful place to live. Let’s start with the plant calledBritton’s Beargrass known as Nolina Brittoniana. BeargrassRoad is one of the original streets in Harmony, FL.
This plant occurs only in scrub and other dry habitats in sixCentral Florida counties including Osceola County. It is listed asan endangered species. Kristin asked Jeanine if the developers wentso far as to plant Beargrass on the actual street. Kristin lookedit up while on the podcast and sure enough, it looks like they did!Pretty cool.
Bracken Fern Drive In Harmony FL
The next street name is BrackenFern Drive in Harmony named after the bracken fern plant.Kristin said the developers put a lot of thought into this andwouldn’t be surprised if the bracken fern was planted onBracken Fern Drive.
Kristin asked Jeanine if all the street names in Harmony Floridaare named after plants and Jeanine replied, yes, they are. ButtonbushLoop in Harmony is the next street named after the buttonbushplant. This plant is a wetland shrub having white pin cushion-likeflowers during the summer. This plant is found along the edge ofBuck Lake and some of the open wetlands in Harmony.
Kristin lives on Cupseed Lane in Harmony and the cup seed plantis a high climbing vine that grows in wetlands and wetwoodlands. They can grow up to 40 feet long and although the leavesresemble the leaves of grapes, the stems do not have tendrils forclinging like grapevines. The seeds are black and up to an inchlong and they are scooped out in the form of a cup.
Kristin then went and googled another street in Harmony namedCordgrass Place. Sure enough, there is a plant named cordgrass.Another street named Sundrop is also a plant as well as SagebrushStreet named after the sagebrush plant.
The Harmony Florida Developers Kept Nature At TheForefront Of This Community
Jeanine and Kristin shared that the developers really did dowell in keeping with the nature theme which is what Harmony is allabout. We hope you enjoyed the 10th episode reviewing HarmonyFlorida street names and their origin.
Our goal at Corcoran Connect is to keep you up to date withthe amazing events and places to visit and enjoy in Harmony. If youwant to learn more about this wonderful community,visit our Harmony page on our website or reach out to usdirectly.