Discover Harmony Florida The Final Podcast With Jeanine Corcoran

The Discover Harmony Florida Podcast Airs Its FinalEpisode Featuring Jeanine Corcoran
There will not be a special episode here today for our DiscoverHarmony Florida podcast with your host Jeanine Corcoran and herco-host Kristin Macari. They wanted to announce that this is thefinal podcast today for Discover Harmony Florida. They arecombining the two podcasts together moving forward.
We felt that we could deliver a better podcast for you on ourDiscover St. Cloud Florida podcast. Some of the podcasts we hadcovered contained the same content so we will be combining efforts.We will still be doing special Harmony Florida shoutouts andmentions as well as the real estate market reports so nothing will bemissed.
We began our Discover Harmony Florida podcast back in October of2021 and it has been a lot of fun bringing attention to thisamazing community. Our goal from the inception of the podcast wasto educate people about all the wonderful things in this communityso everyone had a chance to take advantage of them.
The Harmony Florida Community Has Many Benefits For ItsResidents
The Harmony community is unique in so many ways. Here is a smallreminder of all the things a resident can take advantage of whenliving here. The amenities include a golf course, a fitness center,two pools, multiple playgrounds, three dog parks, pontoon boats,kayaks & canoes, fishing piers, walking trails, basketballcourts, volleyball courts, ping pong, and a community garden.
There are always so many wonderful things going on in Harmony.if you want to have that sense of community, then Harmony Floridais the place for you. If meeting good people and developinglifelong friendships and wonderful neighbors is important to you,then it’s time to consider Harmony. If you've alwayswanted that sense of community, you can find that here. Youwon’t find this anywhere else.
We hope you enjoyed our final Discover Harmony Florida podcast.We invite you to come on over to our Discover St. Cloud Floridapodcast here so you can learn moreabout the St. Cloud community and keep up to date with everythinghappening in Harmony Florida.