Debra Gaskill Author Of Single & Sublime Is Our St. Cloud FL Business Spotlight
Debra Gaskill Author of Single & Sublime isInterviewed By Jeanine Corcoran As July’s Business Spotlight
Jeanine asked Debra how long she has been an Author. She saidshe has been writing since college and that it has always been apassion of hers. Debra said she also journals on a daily basis andcan look up anything that had happened in her past. She said shehas always blogged and had a newsletter from time to time.
Debra said that finally last year she sat down and wrote herfirst book. Her first book is titled “Healing FromHeaven”. She said the tagline is “the same medicinethat gets you healed, keeps you healed”. Debra stated thatthis is a faith-based book. The reason she wrote is because she hashad different illnesses and sicknesses that have cropped up. If shehad not had divine intervention, she would not be sitting here withJeanine today doing this interview.
Video Podcast Where DebraGaskill Is Interviewed By Jeanine Corcoran
Debra expressed to Jeanine that sometimes a doctor can only takeyou so far. She stated that she is a strong proponent of the Bibleand there is so much that teaches us that God wants us well.Jeanine agreed. Debra said there is no sickness in Heaven, and itis God’s desire that there be no sickness on Earth. HealingFrom Heaven is 8 modern-day parables of times when Debra was handeda very negative report and how she came out of them each time.
Now, both Jeanine and Debra moved to her most recent publicationwhich came out at the beginning of June, “Single &Sublime”. It’s about healing the past, making wisechoices, and living a beautiful life. Debra said she often askspeople if they have ever made a bad relationship choice. She saidmost people respond and say of course I have.
Debra said there is a thing about making a bad relationshipchoice and then there’s a thing about making another one, andanother one, and before you know it your life has been derailed fordecades. She talks about even “A List” actresses whocan date anybody they want and have millions of dollars have to goback into their past and ask why they keep dating the wrong guy,why do I keep marrying the wrong person and why do I keep goinginto the same type of unhealthy relationship.
Debra Shared How She Is Committed To Getting The WordOf God Out Everyone
Debra said after a long-term marriage and a long-termrelationship that was unhealthy, she was the common denominator sheasked herself what happened here and had to go back to herchildhood to figure it out.
Jeanine then asked Debra to tell the audience a little bit moreabout herself. She said she is a very passionate person who isconsumed with getting the word of God out there. Debra is a Bibleteacher and has been a missionary and she has lived overseas andtaught in Bible schools before.
Debra believes that people should not struggle through lifehaving to go from one crisis to another. She said that the Bible isvery clear that Jesus came so we could have an abundant life. Shesaid that most of her passion is taking the word of God and makingit applicable to the situations people find themselves intoday.
Debra’s desire is to bring the word of hope,encouragement, and healing, and to help people live a moreproductive and abundant life. Jeanine added that you can’t doit without faith and Debra agreed that is the first step.
Jeanine then asked Debra how long she has lived in St. Cloud andwhy did she move there. Debra said all in all, she has livedhere in St. Cloud for about 16 years. She had lived here for 4years, moved away, and then came back and has lived here foranother 12 years now so 16 total years.
How Debra Gaskill Thinks About Saint CloudFlorida
Jeanine asked Debra what people should consider for thosethinking of moving to Saint Cloud, Florida. She said I look at St.Cloud like a hub. Within it, you have some of the old and then youhave some of the new. You have all the small businesses and thenyou have Hobby Lobby where Debra said sometimes, she thinks shesingle handily keeps them in business. Debra said there are nowsome big box stores in town. She feels St. Cloud is a nucleus wherewe are so close to everything. She loves the fact that she is only39 miles from the beach.
Jeanine asked Debra what businesses or restaurants she wouldrecommend for people who are either visiting or moving here. Debrasaid Fitness CF is a fantastic fitness center. She said if you areinterested in taking care of your body, that gym has a variety ofmachines, classes, and programs that you can become involved in.Some of them are even broken down by age.
Debra said her book is available in either paperback or Ebook onAmazon and it is also available at Barnes & Noble and GoogleBooks.
Jeanine asked Debra how people can reach her, here are herchannels.
Debra Gaskill
Facebook - gaskilldebra
Instagram – debralynngaskill
Youtube - @debragaskill
Website –
We hope you enjoyed Jeanine interviewing the Author DebraGaskill as our St. Cloud FL Business Spotlight. We will continue tohighlight local business owners in Saint Cloud Florida on ourpodcast.